February 26, 2025
REET 2023 Notification Application Form, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Date, Pattern & Syllabus

REET 2023 Notification Application Form, REET Eligibility Criteria, REET Exam Date, Pattern & Syllabus

REET Notification 2023 :Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teacher is conducted by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) for teaching posts in government schools of Rajasthan. Candidates who are applying for REET can read this complete post to find every single detail about REET 2023 Application Form,REET Eligibility Criteria, REET Exam Date,REET Syllabus. Also we add REET last year sample papers in the same blog once we get that from our team.

REET 2023 Notification

The Rajasthan Eligibility Test, 2023 notification would be released in the months of July 23, 2023 as announced and applications for admission into classes as a teacher would begin in the same months too. Last dates for submission of online applications for Rajasthan Teacher Recruitments is also July 23, 2023 and admit card would be sent out in August 23, 2023.

What is really new though we should not miss is that the results of this examination would be released in August 23, 2024 only. So, all those candidates planning to take part in these examinations must do so before August 23, 2024.

And to make it easier for them again, they can take help from various online sites where the details related to the examinations and the notifications are explained and given to them step by step. Also, students can check the official website of the Government of India, http://www.rajasthantest2023.in/ for any updates regarding the examinations.

Rajasthan Education Service Teachers Recruitment Board (REET) has been conducting various examinations every year since its inception.

This time too, they have planned to conduct the recruitment process for the post of teaching staffs in the state. As per the latest updates, the board has already started accepting applications from eligible candidates for the post of teaching assistants.

All interested and eligible applicants may apply online through the official website www.reets.rajasthantrust.gov.in or download the application form from the same site.

Reet 2023 notification (table)

Name of the organisationRBSE; Rajasthan board of secondary education
NAME OF THE EXAMREET 2023 Notification
Mode of application submissionOnline mode
Mode of exam conductionOffline mode
Post nameTo become government teachers in Rajasthan state

REET 2023 Notification Exam Schedule

Release of notificationIn the month of July 2023
Application form submission start dateIn the month of July 2023
Application form submission last dateIn the month of July 2023
Date of release of admit cardIn the month of July 2023
Rajasthan eligibility exam for teachers 2023 exam dateIn the month of August 2023
Date of declaration of result dateTo be updated

REET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Those candidates who have attained 18 years and not more than 32 years can apply for Rajasthan eligibility exam for teachers. For reserved category candidates there is age relaxation as per government rules.

REET 2023 Notification Exam Dates

REET mains exam conducted on 5 January 2023 by the board of secondary education Rajasthan. This date has been announced by the education minister Dr B.D. Kalla in vidhan sabha.

Exam dates for Rajasthan eligibility exam for teachers 2023 which would be conducted in the month of August 2023 and REET 2023 Notification would be released along with application form submission and admit card release date in the month of July 2023. Date of the result declaration is yet to be updated.

How to apply online for your REET 2023?

By following the given steps the candidate can apply online for REET 2023 Notification :-

  • Step 1: Open any good web browsers like Google Chrome and copy/paste the official link of the government’s official site at http://www.rajeduboards.rajasthan.go.in/.
  • Step 2: Read all the important instructions from your notification about your eligi­bility criteria and documents required and the fee struc­ture.
  • Step 3: Go to the link to apply online now for REET 2023
  • Step 4: filling your forms carefully as per your particulars in 10th mark sheet upload your signature photograph complaints etc. and all the mark sheets and certificates.
  • Step 5: go through the form once again analyzing all your filled information before finally submitting it.
  • Step 6: pure application form submission fees before the due date and after filling your application form take a print out of the same and download it in PDF form for your future references.

Reet exam pattern

For primary candidates should attempt 30 questions for the following subjects child development and pedagogy which is compulsory language one which can be Hindi English Sanskrit Gujarati Sindhi Punjabi or Urdu language two which can be Hindi Sanskrit English Gujarati Sindhi Punjabi and Urdu mathematics and environmental studies total of 150 questions would be asked.

For secondary level examination the candidates would be asked 30 questions for child development and pedagogy which is compulsory subject language 1 Hindi Punjabi English Gujarati Sanskrit Sindhi Urdu language two which is Sanskrit Hindi English Punjabi Gujarati Sindhi Urdu, candidates would be asked 60 questions for mathematics and science ,social studies or social science. Total of 150 questions with 150 marks would be asked.

The candidates would be required to complete the exam in 150 minutes duration for both paper 1 which is of the primary stage to become a teacher for class 1 to 5 and for people to which is a secondary stage to become a teacher for class 6 to 8.

Important links:

Official website: www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in notification along with application form submission and admit card can be downloaded from this official website along with this your result would also be declared on this official website.

Minimum Qualifications for becoming Teacher for Classes I-V: (Primary Stage):

  • Aspirants should have qualified 12th standard with at least 50% marks.
  • Aspirants should have done their diploma in elementary education that is d.el.ed which is of two years
  • Those who have qualified their two years diploma in elementary education while waiting for the results can also apply for the exam.
  • Aspirants should have attained 50% marks in their 12th standard and should have done bachelor in elementary education (B. EL.ED) which is of 4 years.
  • Aspirants should have done a two year diploma in elementary education (d.el.ed) and their graduation.

Minimum Qualifications for becoming Teacher for Classes VI-VIII (Elementary Stage):

  • Aspirants should have done a two years diploma in elementary education (D.el.ed) along with graduation.
  • ASPIRANTS SHOULD HAVE DONE B.ED course which is the one year along with the graduation.
  • Aspirants should have done a 4 year bachelor in elementary education (b el ED) and should have passed their 12th standard with at least 50% marks.
  • ASPIRANTS SHOULD HAVE DONE THEIR GRADUATION in B.A.ED / BSc. ED. / BSc. Ed. BA along with passing their 12th standard with at least 50% marks.

REET main exam date

Reet mains exam conducted on 5 January 2023 by the board of secondary education Rajasthan. This date has been announced by the education minister Dr B.D. Kalla in vidhan sabha.

To maintain transparency this time new cheat law would be applicable in this exam. This new cheat law is very strict in taking action against those who are suspected of leaking the paper.

REET notification 2023 syllabus

For primary candidates should attempt 30 questions for the following subjects child development and pedagogy which is compulsory language one which can be Hindi English Sanskrit Gujarati Sindhi Punjabi or Urdu language two which can be Hindi Sanskrit English Gujarati Sindhi Punjabi and Urdu mathematics and environmental studies total of 150 questions would be asked.

For secondary level examination the candidates would be asked 30 questions for child development and pedagogy which is compulsory subject language 1 Hindi Punjabi English Gujarati Sanskrit Sindhi Urdu language two which is Sanskrit Hindi English Punjabi Gujarati Sindhi Urdu, candidates would be asked 60 questions for mathematics and science ,social studies or social science. Total of 150 questions with 150 marks would be asked.

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